Saturday, March 15, 2008


Image from

Pat Metheny though he is a fabulous guitarist and plays beautifully, is not one of my personal favorites but he and his group The Pat Metheny Group are very well known and very well liked in the jazz world so I've got to give him a mention because he may turn out to be one of your favorites or already is. The great thing about jazz is like with other music genres, there is something for everybody.

My apologies to the rest of the Pat Metheny group but I couldn't find a picture to post, probably because the members have varied over the years.

Video from Patrick88881234 on YouTube

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Los aficionados a la buena música cada vez estamos más huérfanos de
espacios en los que disfrutar de nuestros sonidos preferidos. Para
compensar ésto nace AUDIOCAVIAR, el programa de radio que va a acercar el
mejor Jazz Contemporáneo, Smooth Jazz, Soul, Funk y Bossa.

En estarán las reseñas de las novedades más destacadas
aparecidas en el panorama internacional de la música y se podrá escuchar
los programas en los que seleccionamos la mejor música.

Simplemente hay que entrar en

Música de Calidad para Paladares Exigentes