Friday, March 7, 2008


(September 20, 1885 - July 10, 1941)

Passing along something I learned today - I'd never heard of Jelly Roll Morton until I ran across a link to him from Syncopate's blog over on Stumbleupon. Thank you Symcopate for the intro.

Jelly Roll Morton, pianist, composer and bandleader, is claimed by some to be the first composer of jazz. How can I not do a post on someone that may very well be the first jazz composer? There is an excellent bio of him on Wikepedia and it's amazing to me that they have so much information him considering he was born over a Century ago. Please click over and read a little of it. You may not have to remember it but if anyone ever mentions the name Jelly Roll Morton, you'll know who they're talking about. And who knows? One day you may find yourself in a conversation about jazz. Name drop this one and show 'um you know a little somethin' too (smile).

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